Objectifs environnementaux et sociaux4o mini

Soutenez votre stratégie ESG

Convertir les activités en dons ou en semis d'arbres. Motiver les employés à choisir un transport écologique et soutenir les objectifs ESG de l'entreprise.

Réservez un appel de 30 minutes pour explorer les possibilités.


euros reversés à des associations caritatives dans le cadre des défis Activy en 2023.


tonnes de CO2 économisées grâce aux utilisateurs d'Activy en 2023.


associations caritatives soutenues, grâce aux défis Activy.

Plus de 400 entreprises et 300,000 employés ont déjà utilisé Activy

The campaign motivated me to bike to the office daily and beyond, and also got others from our company involved in the fun. I'll add that the trips to and from work became much more enjoyable!


Challenge participant from Payback

Thank you very much. It has been interesting, constructive and motivating. Every spring and summer I usually run, but this time it was different. I had a real goal and a real reason. And it will certainly be a lifestyle for the future.


Challenge participant from Dior

The challenge gave me several things: significant help in a charity event, a planned weight loss of about 6kg, a return to great fitness, and a chance to disconnect during workouts, not thinking about work at all.


Challenge participant from Bank Millennium

The point-awarding algorithm for various activities was very well designed, giving everyone a chance. Extra points for consistency, bonuses for commuting to work, and points for the first two activities of the day—all this made the competition bring a lot of joy and positive energy!


Challenge participant from Lenovo

Discover 5 ideas for the 2024 Olympics at your workplace!

The sporting spirit and atmosphere of the Olympics is something that undoubtedly unites people and inspires them to achieve unique goals. The Olympic Games are not only about competing at the highest level, but also about the spirit of cooperation, determination and perseverance, which can also find its place in the business world.

Boostez la santé et la culture de votre équipe

Engagez vos employés avec des défis sportifs personnalisés dans une application conviviale. Promouvez l'activité physique, le suivi des pas, le travail d'équipe, les interactions sociales et les objectifs caritatifs. Bénéficiez d'un soutien complet pour un lancement sans effort.

79,9% des utilisateurs se sont sentis motivés

à être physiquement actifs grâce au Défi Activy.