Sporty and Creative: Inspirations from Sports Challenges at Activy

Let's take a look at some inspiring and creative corporate sports challenges organized by Activy clients. These initiatives not only motivated employees but also added an element of fun and camaraderie to their fitness goals.

🚴 Tour de InPost - bicycle craziness

InPost, a sponsor of the Tour de France, launched a unique cycling challenge for their employees. It was a short but intense competition with out-of-the-box ideas.

  • teams of seven aimed to cover 3498 km, mirroring the Tour de France route, divided into 21 stages;
  • every day there was a stage leader selected, who received a yellow jersey for covering the most kilometers!
  • each day of the game, participants received interesting facts about the routes and the Tour de France race;
  • for the last week of the campaign, a charitable goal was included and every kilometer logged was a zloty of support for seniors from the "Stowarzyszenie Mali Bracia Ubogich";
  • the challenge concluded with a communal "Bike and Cake" ride in Krakow, enhancing team bonding.

A themed event that relates to current sporting events, such as the EURO, the Olympics or the Tour de Pologne, is a great way to spice up the challenge!

📸 KIR's "Postcards from Vacation"

KIR revitalized the summer challenge by organizing a photo contest, encouraging employees to share pictures of their sports activities during vacations.

This modern twist on the traditional postcard made the challenge lively and engaging, fostering a sense of community through shared experiences.

Plus each photo added meant bonus points for ranking 😉.

Such a contest is great for increasing the involvement of participants and seeing the smiling faces of colleagues.

🙌 j-labs' Event Promotion

Promoting the event is one of the key elements of preparing a corporate challenge. At j-labs software specialists, the fun participants themselves were also involved in this task!

Employees received bonus points for posting photos of their physical activities on social media, featuring the company logo. This approach not only promoted the event internally but also showcased the company's active lifestyle culture externally.

What's more, positive feedback from employees and their involvement in promoting the challenge are the best showcases of the challenge!

⚽ Blachotrapez: Each participant on the importance of... a ball

We often want as many people as possible to participate in the challenge. After all, our goal is to share sports excitement and fun with everyone in the company 😉.

Blachotrapez introduced a competition to boost participation by inviting new members. The rules were simple: invite as many people as possible to participate using the option to invite friends.

The two employees who successfully invited the most participants won footballs signed by Robert Lewandowski ❤️.

Such mini-contests can significantly enhance engagement, with even small rewards like bonus points or sports gadgets making a big difference.

These inspirations show how diverse and creative corporate sports challenges can be.

We look forward to the next initiatives! What will the next months bring? Check it out for yourself and get inspired by the best practices of our clients.

Boostez la santé et la culture de votre équipe

Engagez vos employés avec des défis sportifs personnalisés dans une application conviviale. Promouvez l'activité physique, le suivi des pas, le travail d'équipe, les interactions sociales et les objectifs caritatifs. Bénéficiez d'un soutien complet pour un lancement sans effort.

79,9% des utilisateurs se sont sentis motivés

à être physiquement actifs grâce au Défi Activy.