Kilometers that build „Forever Cape House" for children on the autism spectrum.




The goal of the campaign was to collect as many kilometers as possible. Each kilometer registered in the action is one PLN of support for the charitable cause. Throughout May, BPX employees and friends of the Cape collected kilometers while keeping up healthy habits and helping out. The company's idea has evolved into a large-scale project.

  • Foundation
    " "Better Start" Foundation
  • Zasięg Scope
    A campaign for the BPX team and friends of the Cape


To cover as many kilometers together as possible.




day of challenge

170 tys

PLN donated to charity

16 452


111 000

km on wheels

58 200

km on feet


tons of CO2 saved


Throughout the month, BPX employees and Friends of the Cape managed to cover more than 170,000 kilometers. Participants ran, walked and cycled, and after each activity they saw themselves getting closer to reaching their goal of raising funds for "Forever Cape House" Although the initial goal was PLN 100,000, during the challenge they were able to increase it!

As BPX, we have been supporting the Cape Non-Public Elementary School for children with autism spectrum disorders from the very beginning. Already during onboarding, new employees are informed about activities for our "little friends". The "Kilometers fo Cape" campaign was created during the pandemic, during which a collective pacing was especially needed. We organized the first edition of the challenge without a special application and directed it exclusively to employees. At that time we covered more than 17,000 kilometers. However, it quickly became clear that there were many more people willing to help, and we could achieve even better results together. Therefore, in May 2022, we decided to increase our reach, and the campaign expanded to almost all of Poland.

Charity goal

Better Start Foundation is facing the enormous challenge of building a Home Forever. Unfortunately, there are no viable systemic solutions for funding specialized facilities dedicated to people on the autism spectrum. They can attend school until the age of 24. After this age, the disability support system has no care to offer for them, and due to their special needs, they require specialized support. With our "Kilometers for Cape" campaign, we are making a contribution to the construction of such a facility.

Before the start

The preparation of the challenge in the app itself was done in such an instant and non-invasive way that we were surprised by it. We had the idea, from Activy we received the form and basically after two phone calls everything was settled. The whole cooperation was clear and transparent. It's quite an organizational convenience - the company comes in ready-made, including all promotional materials.

Challenge purpose

Collecting kilometers together has mobilized many people to take action. More than 50% of participants admitted that thanks to the challenge, they are moving more often! Motivation to move regularly is something that participants indicated most often as a benefit of participating in the challenge. The challenge also gave them a lot of satisfaction and pleasure related to helping others. We know that some people didn't stop running or biking even after completing the campaign.

Although for us the main goal is kilometers counting for charity, there was also a hint of rivalry among the participants. The fight for the first top 10 places was fierce! Especially since the challenge featured people who were able to honestly spin 200 kilometers a day!


Every year the company and I meet at the BPX gala and sum up the year. Now it will become a traditional part of the gala to announce the best results of employees in the Kilometers for Cape campaign! This year, 7 people covered 300 km in a month, for which they were awarded with cups. There was also a handshake from the CEO ;) Smaller company gadgets were prepared for each BPX employee active in the challenge.

We are very pleased with this year's result and consider the whole action a great success, however, we are craving  more! Next year we are coming back with redoubled force and we will certainly invite you all to participate in the Kilometers for Cape 2023 in Activy.

Thanks for

Łukasz ŁańCoordinator on the BPX side