Bike to work - how to integrate an office building


Office community engagement can be built in many ways. Office managers often organize unique campaigns to take care of their customers' satisfaction. What else can you surprise employees in an office building with? In addition to standard included services and occasional events, events that provide fun for a longer period of time are an interesting option.

It is more and more common to see people commuting to work by bicycle on the streets and bike paths. This mode of transportation works especially well in large cities. Everyone knows all too well the frustration of trying to get through the urban jungle during rush hour. The bicycle allows us to avoid this problem - we simply get on and go. In addition, we can park it practically anywhere, even at the very entrance to work

Bike storage

Organizing an active challenge or a game to encourage cycling to work is also a good idea to promote a bike shop that not everyone may even know about! Strengthen customer engagement, keep your customers physically healthy and build a close-knit community, enjoying working together for the long term.

Many offices provide their community with a bike room. This is a place where you can leave your vehicle without worrying that it might interest someone else. Equally convenient is access to showers and lockers. This will allow employees to enter the office without a helmet, sports clothes or other luggage. They'll start work after their first workout, with the satisfaction that they've taken care of their health and not stood in traffic stressing about whether they're sure to be on time.

Great time for the whole office - sports challenge

The sports program in the Activy app combines friendly competition and cooperation in teams. When organizing a fun event for tenants, focus precisely on teamwork. Each company from your office building is represented in the competition by a team of 7-10 people. This way, participants not only compete individually, but most importantly keep track of the team ranking, checking which companies are racing for first place!

If there are already amateur cyclists in the office - great, contact them and offer to be ambassadors of the whole challenge. Or maybe you know avid runners or walkers? Nothing motivates like the example of others! Almost nothing :)

Then there's the charitable purpose, the points collected in the ranking and, of course, the bonuses for actively walking to/from the office. When organizing a sports challenge, indicate the appropriate location as a pin, and additional points will be awarded automatically when the route is completed (the route must start or end around 150 meters from the workplace). In this way, you will further motivate the participants of the game to leave the car at home.

In the context of motivation, it is impossible not to mention the prizes. In addition to recognizing the most active people who have climbed to the top of the ranking, you should think about another approach , which is a "store" with prizes. Points earned by participants are converted into virtual coins, which they can exchange for attractive gifts in the Activy app. This gives everyone a chance to win a prize that meets their needs, just by collecting enough coins.

This form of rewarding has been used by tenants including Adgar in the "AdgarFit" competition. Participants in this challenge exchanged points for, for example, fitness club and gym passes, yoga classes, vouchers for coffee and sandwiches, sports accessories and even museum tickets.

The large choice guarantees that everyone will find something for themselves! Therefore, when choosing gifts for participants in the competition, it is better to opt for smaller prizes than for a few large and valuable items.

Walk to work? Support healthy choices!

Reading the reviews and responses of challenge participants in Activy, there are often mentions describing that thanks to the action, some people got off the transportation a few stops earlier - this way they covered the required minimum of 1.5 km by walking, received bonus points and took care of their wellbeing first thing in the morning. A short walk to stimulate the mind before starting work is a great idea!

The challenge at Activy can be about more than just cycling activities. It's worth encouraging all sports lovers to participate, including walkers, runners or fans of the gym or swimming. If you have access to a fitness room or gym at the office, there will be additional motivation to use these spaces. Active relaxation after work plus extra points in the sports challenge all at once!

How have others been doing it?

Among others, the WeWork network in Warsaw has decided to take care of the well-being and physical health of its community. Three locations took part in the challenge on the Activy app: Mennica, Krucza and Grzybowska. The rules were very simple: choose a bicycle as a means of transportation, cover kilometers, collect points and receive prizes for the highest places. Team rankings indicated the leaders of individual offices, while individual rankings represented the overall classification of the entire WeWork community in Warsaw. Prizes included goodies from WeWork, as well as premium access for a year to the mental fitness support app Mindy. The "Bike2WeWork" campaign lasted a month, with participants covering the distance from Warsaw to Madrid 3 times and burning 196 chocolate bars

Equally impressive results can be claimed by participants in the "BikeMe" challenge, organized by CPI for the Eurocenter and WFC, who collected points during bike rides. The most persistent competitors were rewarded with bicycle accessories. In the course of the game, office workers covered the length of Poland's borders as many as 8 times!

The project for Lumen and Skylight is an action in which the companies joined forces for one goal in favor of health and the environment. Office workers not only mobilized for cycling, but most importantly integrated and got to know each other better. Friendships expanded from "hello" exchanged in the corridor to bicycle rides together. The challenge showed the participants that they work in an attractive place where they can also spend time actively. A worthy charitable cause also contributed to the success of the competition: kilometers turned into zlotys for the Rak'n'Roll Foundation. The routes cranked out at Lumen and Skylight managed to donate 6,000 PLN to help the Foundation's charges.

A sports challenge for office employees can be an interesting idea for building an integrated and active community. By going beyond the usual patterns and office corridors, you can provide your tenants with fun and take care of their health. Together you will motivate each other to get active, for example, by organizing a weekend bicycle trip or holding an office volleyball match. The possibilities are many!

We will be happy to help you with this, tell us about your company's plans or an idea you are already developing.

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