About us

Our mission is to motivate every employee to be active everyday

Since 2018 we are developing engaging challenges in Activy app, changing people’s lives for healthier and happier.

Our mission

In our relaxed and open work environment, every day starts with joint sports activities or meditation, setting the tone for a day full of energy and focus. Our projects are approached with passion and dedication, knowing we're creating something truly valuable together.

Meet our team

Igor Pielas

favourite sports:

Dorota Matula

Co-founder & CMO
favourite sports:

Adrian Viñuales

General Manager ES/LATAM
favourite sports:

Leyre Castro

Project Manager
favourite sports:

Basia Jakubowska

Head of Sales
favourite sports:

Milena Moscicka

Head of Clients
favourite sports:

Julia Markowska

Head of Marketing
favourite sports:

Agata Kubiak

Project Manager
favourite sports:

Natalia Sektas

Project Manager
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Asia Zmudzinska

Project Manager
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Zosia Dulczewska

Project Manager
favourite sports:

Eliza Zdrojewska

Project Manager
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Ewa Mazepa

Creative Project Manager
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Kasia Mironiuk

Project Manager
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Mateusz Badura

Sales Representative
favourite sports:

Narek Baghdasaryan

Sales Representative
favourite sports:

Emil Sochocki

Head of Technical Support
favourite sports:

They talk about us

Boost your team's health and culture

Engage your employees with custom sports challenges in the user-friendly app. Promote physical activity, step tracking, teamwork, social interactions and charitable goals. Get full support with an effortless launch.

79,9% of users felt motivated

to be physically active thanks to Activy Challenge.